Wednesday 18 December 2013

Task 3 - File sharing

This is the article that I read:

The article that I read is about how file sharing affects the music industry and how they are trying to put a stop to it. In the UK, in the first six months of this year, more than 33million albums and about 10million singles were downloaded illegally using BitTorrent. Because of the illegal file sharing, there has been an annual loss in retail sales of more than £500million in the music industry. The article explores the issues of the UK downloading illegal music for free and expresses that music labels are worried about the damage of file sharing and what it will do to their long-term sales. They also explored that it is mainly under-30’s who are downloading music for free as they have grown up with the mind set that downloading music for free is alright. The music industry is now tackling this problem by getting the network providers to block file sharing websites. The number of users has declined by two thirds which shows that this action is affective. There are also take-down notices which are formal requests to remove music content from the web. The article also writes about how by 2014, internet service providers will be able to send warning letters to the users who download illegal music. Even though they are working to stop file sharing, they are also trying to find a way for users to download an easy-to-use legal download site. This article suggests that there should be a stop to file sharing as it is ruining the music industry. It also suggests that there should be an alternative website for users for how they download their music.

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